Vipps MobilePay
We are Vipps MobilePay. We are a Nordic payment company that works to make payments even more user-friendly and simple across borders.
We needed merchandise to celebrate the merger between Vipps and MobilePay. We have had good experiences with our previous collaboration with turtle® and we knew they were the right choice for this, so we contacted them straight away.
One of the most important things for us is that our merchandise is of high quality and made in Europe. We want to make a difference by minimizing our CO2 footprint, but also have a wide selection of product options and customized design options. Fortunately, all this is in turtle®’s DNA.
We wanted merchandise to celebrate our new identity: On 1 November, the Norwegian company Vipps and the Danish company MobilePay merged into one – Vipps MobilePay. We are two big brands with two different cultures that have now merged into one. To set the stage for our ambition to create the best unified work culture, we had to have some physical similarities. Merchandise was a great way to make our employees feel part of one company from day one.
We started brainstorming what type of products we wanted and then started on the specific designs. turtle® started the creative process, and we gave feedback on the designs along the way, so it turned out exactly as we wanted”, says Cecilia Kirsgaard from Vipps MobilePay.”
We made: