At Turtle, we create merchandise with a focus on quality, design and sustainability.

01. Quality

Quality is our top priority. We believe that real value lies in products that are durable and reliable. We only use the best, certified materials to ensure that our products can last for many years and are made under proper conditions.

02. Design

Aesthetics and functionality should always go hand in hand. Our design team consists of creative forces dedicated to blending aesthetics with practicality. We believe in creating products that not only catch your eye, but also integrate into your everyday life.

03. Sustainability

We take our responsibility regarding the environment very seriously. In a world where overproduction of merchandise is very widespread, this is an area we have a particular focus on. We only manufacture products that you really need – and always strive to make products that you also want to use in your spare time. Each product is carefully manufactured using the highest certified materials.

  • Vi valgte at samarbejde med turtle®, fordi vi synes, de er nogle fantastiske og talentfulde mennesker med en klar ambition om at lave bæredygtige produkter, som passer perfekt til vores vision og måde at drive forretning på.

    Andreas Kvist, Too Good To Go
  • Det er super vigtigt for os at have bæredygtighed, håndværk og kvalitet i tankerne i alle aspekter af vores forretning. Det er derfor, vi var så begejstrede for at møde turtle®. De var det perfekte match for os.

    Casper Engel Rasmussen, Coffee Collective
  • “Vi begyndte at brainstorme, hvilken type produkter vi ønskede, og bagefter begyndte vi på de specifikke designs. turtle® startede den kreative proces, og vi gav feedback på designsene undervejs, så det blev præcis, som vi ønskede det”

    Cecilia Kirsgaard, Vipps MobilePay
  • “Working with Turtle has been an absolute pleasure. From our initial meeting to conceptualizing our final design, Jesper and Anton have been professional and very supportive throughout the entire process.

    Aurora DR, CBS Music Bizz
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